The culture of the Three Gorges area involves such three aspects as time sequence, spatial divergence and category disparity which interact with each other to form a complex system. 三峡文化包括时间、空间、类别三个序列,三个序列交互作用,形成浩瀚庞杂的结构体系。
Existence of W_p~ ( 1,0) Weak Solutions for General Linear Parabolic Equations of Divergence Form 一般散度型线性抛物方程Wp~(1,0)弱解的存在性
Investigation of divergence form of confined high speed liquid jets 高速液体受限射流扩展形态研究
Q vector divergence field on vertical section plane along NE-SW direction on Fujian coast submit piece form district of convergence and divergence, have reflected meso-scale character. Q矢量诊断表明,Q矢量散度在福建沿海NE-SW向的垂直剖面图上呈条块状辐散、辐合区相间分布的形式,反映了中尺度特性。
Estimates for Dirichlet Eigenvalues of Second Order Elliptic Operators with the Divergence Form 散度形式二阶椭圆算子Dirichlet本征值的估计
Uniqueness of weak solution for quasilinear elliptic equations of second order in divergence form 二阶散度型拟线性椭圆型方程的弱解的唯一性
Improved Gradient Estimates for Elliptic Equations in Divergence Form 散度型方程梯度估计的一些改进
The Harnack Type Inequality for Bounded Solutions of Quasi-linear Elliptic Systems in Divergence Form 散度型拟线性椭圆型方程组弱解的Harnack型不等式
The Existence for the Solution of Quasilinear and Exponential Growing Elliptic Equation in Divergence form and Two Variables 二个变量指数增长拟线性散度型椭圆方程解的存在性
In this paper, an existence result of entropy solutions to some parabolic problems is established. The data belongs to L1 and no growth assumption is made on the lower order term in divergence form. 本文证明了带有L1资料和对以散度形式的低阶项没作任何增长假设的某类抛物问题熵解的存在性。
We obtain a local maximum principle for the semilinear nonuniformly elliptic equations in divergence form, and then show the local C1'1 estimate and a Bernstein type result for the solutions of the Hessian equations. 本文获得了一个半线性散度型非一致椭圆方程的局部最大值原理,并由此导出了Hes-sian方程解的局部C1,1估计和一个Bernstein型结果。
An upper estimation for_(α_a)-weak solution of Quasilinear weak elliptic system in divergence form 散度型拟线性弱椭圆方程组αS&弱解的最大模估计
The calculation and analysis of the Meiyu-front heavy rainfall over the Changjiang-Huaihe region in July 2003 indicates that the rainfall amounts leading from both types of synoptic scale precipitation movements ( condensation function and moisture flux divergence) are not large enough to form heavy rain; 对2003年7月江淮梅雨锋暴雨的计算与分析表明:两种天气尺度波动的大尺度稳定性降水运动的降水量级较小,都不足以直接形成暴雨;
The important factor causing the calamities of flood and drought in different area is the divergence of topography and land form; 地形、地貌的差异是造成区域性旱、涝灾害的重要因子;
Upper Bounds for the Neumann Eigenvalues of Second-order Elliptic Operators with the Divergence Form 椭圆型算子的特征值估计散度形式二阶椭圆算子Neumann本征值的上界
In this open literary market, writers have diverse creations. They go through divergence and unity and form different literary concepts, which exactly describe the developing path of our literature from the side and essentially embody the transmutation of modern literary concept. 在开放的文学市场中,作家们创作的旗帜林立,经过聚合分离,形成不同的文学概念,它们正好从一个侧面描绘了我国文学的发展轨迹,从本质上体现着当代文学观念的嬗变。
The sinking divergence air current resulted from high-latitude wind in the west to continental thermal depression is the ultimate cause to form subtropical arid region. 大陆热低压西边的高纬风使对流层中、下层出现下沉辐散气流,是副热带旱区干旱的根本原因;
We are concerned with estimates of the cost of controllability of parabolic equations in divergence form. 本文所讨论的问题是散度形式的变系数热方程近似能控和零能控的成本估计。
This article suggested some views to divergence operator and curl operator, and concisely discussed that Divergence and Curl could be directly showed by operator form instead of Hamilton Operator s scalar product and vector product. 提出了有关散度算子和旋度算子的见解,简明论述了在矢量分析中的散度和旋度都可用算子形式直接表示,不用首先点积和叉积。
The Maximum Principles for a Class of Nonlinear Elliptic Equation in Divergence Form 非线性散度型方程的极值原理
By this correction method, the calculated average divergence and the profile of vertical velocity can keep the form of the original calculation curve, satisfy the integral condition of continuous equation, and conform to the situation that error increases with height. 通过这些校正,使计算出的平均散度和垂直速度的垂直廓线能维持原计算曲线的形式,并能满足整个气层连续方程积分为零的条件,也符合误差随高度增大的情况。
A regularity result of a class of second order divergence form elliptic equation was obtained. 得到了一类二阶散度型椭圆方程很弱解的一个正则性结果。
Q vector divergence field submit piece form district of convergence and divergence, have reflected meso-scale character. 分析表明Q矢量散度场多呈条块状的辐合、辐散区相间分布的形式,反映了中尺度特性。
In this paper we study the existence of weak solutions for nonlinear elliptic prob-lem involving an operator of the divergence form with a ( x, u,▽ u). 本篇文章主要研究一类内含a(x,u,▽u)的散度型非线性椭圆方程弱解的存在性。
The convergence and divergence zone began to form in the slope at west Sichuan plateau and gradually moved eastward, whose value was gradually decreased. The affect of gravity waves to this precipitation process was proportional. 辐合辐散区域开始形成于川西高原下山坡处,并且逐渐往东移动,值的大小也在逐渐减弱,重力波对这次降水过程强度的影响是成正比的。
This is also the subjective reason why China does not make all out efforts to protect IPR. Meanwhile the divergence interests of the central government, local government and individuals form the objective reasons. 这种分歧还导致了美国威胁不可信,成为中国知识产权保护不力的主观原因,而保护不力的客观原因也是国内中央、地方以及个人不同的利益导向。